Inspiration and Intention Altars
If you’re someone who follows or belongs to the Traveling Museum of the Paranormal and the Occult (i.e. the blessed unicorn, safe-space fandom of the paranormal world), you almost certainly watched Dana Newkirk’s lecture on using divinatory tools during paranormal investigations during February’s online Phenomenacon 3.
While I’m not currently living out my dreams of wandering through darkened buildings and cemeteries in the middle of the night, as Dana spoke, it reminded me that certain tools like INTENTION ALTARS transcend the “paranormal” space. Without much pre-planning, this is something that made its way into my own creative process.
Yeah…I know that sounds more than a little woo-woo to those of you who are not magical practitioners, but stay with me here…
The novel centers around two sisters residing in a West Virginian coal town in the early 1920s. Following a tragedy that takes the life of their father along with many other residents, the sisters set out to take back their hollow through whatever means possible. When the operator refuses to stand down, however, the sisters find themselves crossing their own boundaries to destroy his iron grip.
Given that the characters’ experiences are so very different from my own, having physical reminders of their world kept me in the headspace to connect with them. So, what did this look like?
Pretty simple, actually…
Is this method for everyone? Of course not.
If you think it’s a dumb idea, take a pass on it. If you’d prefer not to call it an “intention altar,” but still think it could be useful to set aside space for physical reminders of your world-building, cool. Almost every article you’ll see me write will emphasize that tarot and many other magickal tools can be used for creativity with or without subscription to a higher power and a Stevie Nicks album.
As always, let me know if you find this method useful or if you have any tips of your own for finding artistic inspiration! I love hearing your stories as we all navigate this weird and delightful world together.