Poetry: So This Is Me
I stare at your brown eyes
And I find love in those murky depths
I listen to your voice
And I find the beauty of unseen mountains
You give your truth
And I drink it up
You draw clear lines
And I see they’re healthy
But this is me
This is broken me
The one with pieces glued back together in odd places
The one who had their brain removed and reconfigured
A thousand times before you knew my name
This is me
I live in fear beneath your thoughts
I strive for approval you don’t owe
I crawl from my skin without your pat on my leg
I wail in fury at your distance
Because this is me
This is the child kicked onto her knees
This is the weakling taught to lick boots
This is the daughter of a legacy which will never die
This is the person too fucked for you to know
This is me
As best as I can know her
For now.
And I hope you can hold on
I hope you see my wings unfold.
Don’t give up yet.