What is this blog all about?

Something I’ve always been fascinated by is why people do the things they do, from the biggest things to the smallest things:

  • Why’d they decide to pursue their career? 

  • Why did they choose that piece of jewelry today? 

  • Why did they just now think it was okay to block both sides of the escalator in the metro station when literally everyone else around them was obeying the tacit rule that commuters walk on the left hand side while tourists stand on the right hand side? Is it that hard? Really? REALLY? 

Okay; I’m fine now. 

However, creative inspiration— why and how did someone breathe life into their artform — is, by far, the most interesting to me. It’s a question that I ask myself on a regular basis: why did I choose to write this? What does this really mean to me? What aspects of myself are in these characters? The more I write, the more I learn about myself. The more I talk with other artists, the more I wonder what piece of them they just gifted the world. 

I can’t answer those questions for other artists, but I decided to start sharing my own creative inspiration here. Why? Because it’s fun and weird and whimsical and usually involves wandering (hence the name of this blog, in case you were wondering by now). 

So, come along on the ride with me and let’s see what adventures the universe has in store for us next.


Tarot Pull: The Seven of Cups