Introducing the *Writing Scared Podcast*

My critique partner & I started a podcast!

Interested in the writing process? Curious about publishing? Captivated by angst-ridden rambling?

E.W. Doc Parris & I have you covered! Join us as we discuss ANXIETY in the creative process in the very first episode of the WRITING SCARED podcast. E.W. brings his perspective as a successful self-published author to the table alongside my experience as a soon-to-be traditionally published author to demonstrate once and for all that *no writer* is immune to the jitters along the journey.

Subscribe to catch every episode when they drop!:

Don't forget to check out E.W.'s books while you're at it:

And, of course, don’t forget to pre-order your copy of NOWHERE!:

*If you live in the DC Metro, Tri-State, or WV Panhandle, sign up for Nowhere’s release party + signing at Four Seasons Books in Shepherdstown, WV! Regular admission includes a signed copy of Nowhere with the option to add on a dinner with yours truly at Alma Bea’s Restaurant. Looking forward to seeing you there!


Nowhere is Making the List(s)


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