Writing and Whimsy
Welcome to my blog, Writing and Whimsy
You somehow ended up here and are probably wondering what this is all about.
This is the place I share my creative inspiration related to writing.
It usually involves tarot and wandering into strange places. Sometimes it involves wine, spirits (of all kinds) and conversation. What it always includes is taking the time to pause and open my eyes to the inherent magic all around me.
Tarot Quick Hit: The Ten of Swords
Let’s take a quick peek at the Ten of Swords and how its dire warning can facilitate character development
Creator Profile: E.S. Oliver
Let’s chat with author E.S. Oliver to find out more about her creative process and what inspires her to pen tales!
Tarot Pull: Suit of Cups & the Element of Water
Let’s dig into the Suit of Cups and its corresponding element - Water!
Tarot Pull: Death
This week we’re diving into a tough but essential member of the Major Arcana: Death
Short Story: Come Inside
Here’s another ghost from the past - my short story, Come Inside
Tarot Pull: The Five of Cups
This week we’re talking about grief through the lens of the Five of Cups. Not an easy card, but an important one all the same.
Tarot Pull: The High Priestess
Let’s jump in and take a look at this week’s tarot pull - The High Priestess!
Short Story: Reflection
Check out my short story from years gone by - Reflection
Tarot Pull: The Magician
Creator Profile: E. W. "Doc" Parris
Check out my first Creator Profile as we dig into the mind of E.W. “Doc” Parris
Tarot Pull: The Fool
This week, we’re following in The Fool’s footsteps as we explore this complex archetype (and its use in my novel!)
Character Building Tarot Spread: Goals, Motivation and Conflict (GMC) Spread
Tarot Pull with Character Development Demo: The Lovers
This week, we take a dive into The Lovers card as well as a quick demo on how to use it during creative development
Tarot Pull: The Hermit
This week, we’re taking a lesson or nine from another member of the Major Arcana - The Hermit!
Inspiration and Intention Altars
Tarot Pull: The Sun
Character Building Tarot Spread: Body of the Character
Weekly Tarot Pull: The Eight of Cups
This week’s random tarot pull is The Eight of Cups…