Ready for Launch!
Last week, I’d promised on social media that I would post a blog article on the process of writing my most recent manuscript, the first draft of which has been *killer*. That article is still coming, but in the midst of writing it, one of the most exciting moments in an author’s life happened—at long last, the gorgeous cover for NOWHERE was released along with pre-order links going live!
Amidst all of the excitement, I felt the strangest mixture of emotions. I was somewhat overwhelmed; now the promotion process begins in earnest. Obviously, I was over-the-moon to share everything I possibly could, and even more blown away by the immediate positive responses and encouragement coming from across social media. And for the very first time, I had the tiniest prickles of self-doubt enter my mind regarding my debut release.
Mid-morning on June 4th, I received a happy surprise email from my superstar agent (Logan Harper) telling me that the cover was about to be revealed and the pre-order links had gone live on the Simon & Schuster website. I stared at the message for several moments with my jaw dropped.
I’d been sitting on the cover draft for several months, just waiting for the word on when I could share it with the world. What I didn’t anticipate was that it would happen so suddenly one day and drop along with the pre-order links. I was elated, then a bit panicked.
What this meant was an immediate scramble to update all of my social media, my website, claim my Goodreads author page (FINALLY - this was something that was surprisingly difficult to do), and start reaching out to contacts about forth-coming galley copies. It meant immediately strategizing how to best boost pre-orders, leading to me designing and ordering bookmarks which should hopefully be arriving in the next week or so (stay tuned for more info on that and other forthcoming goodies). In short, my week went from one focused on revising my latest manuscript to full promotion prep.
Nowhere is my debut, and as a result, I’m somewhat bumbling my way through this rodeo. While I’m fortunate enough to be publishing with a major house and have plenty of back-up on the promo and distribution front, authors still need to push their own books on social media and through contacts in the literary world as well as pop culture. None of that is easy for a tried and true introvert like yours truly. The next few months will certainly be an adventure as we draw closer to Nowhere’s release and main promotion campaign . . . and I’m certain I’ll be bumbling my way through much of it.
As I began to receive messages from future readers who were already placing their pre-orders, I was humbled. Then, that evening I had a moment of panic strike. Reality came crashing through my bedroom door like the Kool-Aid Man, and I realized that these people are paying money to read *my* novel. What will they think? What if they hate it or are disappointed, or (for the ones who know me personally) will this change how they view me?
Because Nowhere is not a light jaunt through the woods. Yes, it’s shrouded with spooks and shadows and terror, but beneath it all, it’s a very intimate tale of a family in crisis. It’s a story about imperfect human beings failing in epic ways despite wanting to be better people. Personal secrets, struggles, shame, and pain are threaded through each page. Nowhere isn’t just a creepy tale I cooked up; it’s a reflection of me as a human being. It is deeply personal, reflecting me at my most vulnerable . . . which will soon be at the fingertips of whoever picks it up. That’s a startling and scary feeling, but it’s also a wonderful, liberating one. I’ve known it would be ever since I decided to publish it, but now it’s real. It’s really real. My book with all of its messy characters, broken hearts, and trauma is about to take flight in the big world.
So, as I navigate this beautiful and intimidating new period in my career, I’m sure I’ll skin my knees. I’m sure I’ll look back and think ‘I sure wish I’d done that thing differently,’ but that’s also the beauty of moments like these. I’m looking ahead down a path I’ve never traveled, and I’m getting to do so with all of you. To those who have followed me for a long time, thank you for supporting me and encouraging me as I began my career. To those of you who are new, welcome to the ride! I’m so excited to share more and more Nowhere content and give some perspective of what it’s like when entering the industry.
Time to strap in!